Although I enjoyed this media class, this is not what I expected one of my last courses at Hunter College to look like. I often found myself enjoying the small class and dreading the lectures. The review section, took the information that we learned and put it into practice. This was the most enjoyable part. Media should be something that people are actively learning how to create, not something just taught through textbooks, and I found us just textbook learning in the Lecture. It was disappointing that with such a qualified professor and media maker, that he spent most of the class time reading off slides that he provided for us. I enjoyed his presentation of his own documentary, but I would have loved if he used real film, to teach lessons of lighting and picture composition as apposed to basic textbook diagrams. Working in media classes all semester, I would have hoped all the tech things that go into the class had been up to date; it was very frustrating sitting in a media class that had poor quality microphones and speakers. This often depressed me, seeing that I pay my tuition out of pocket. I enjoyed the work we did with Photoshop which helped better my understanding and skills. Although I probably will never put up a web page, its good to know and appreciate what computer programmers go through and memorize. If a good class is measured on if you learn something useful, mission accomplished.
Thanks for the feedback...